MediaMix, Inc.
Video Production / Print Material / Website Design / Sundries / Audio Production / Photography / Virtual Tour
MediaMix, Inc. is a full-service video production company and facility where I worked for more than 13 years. Over that time, I redesigned the website multiple times and created many forms of promotion through post cards, business cards, magazine ads, and a trade show booth backdrop. I was hired as the only full-time editor, but that also meant that my capabilities would be called upon when anything else needed to be done. That included audio production & engineering, gear maintenance & troubleshooting, camera operation, lighting & grip, studio engineering, and much more. When the company moved into its large building, I created an interactive virtual tour to show potential clients the layout of the facility. This proved helpful for many people.
Since MediaMix, Inc. was a production company AND a facility, we needed two separate website to serve two different audiences. One website promoted the production capabilities of the company. This included camera work, editing, live production, streaming, and audio production. Sample videos, product demos, our information about who we are, our expertise, what services we provide, and suggested uses of the company were highlighted on the site.
Marketing materials for MediaMix included the regular fare of mugs and pens. These were simple designs which needed nothing more than a properly sized and formatted logo. Unfortunately, the mugs were repeatedly delivered to us with the white inside of the star being knocked out to black on the black mugs. This happened twice before they understood that the white part of the star needed to be printed.
Business cards came in two different styles. Initially the classic black background looked sharp among the sea of white business cards. However, the second round went back to the simple white card, a request by the owner of the company. And early on, postcards and magazine ads promoted the new facility. The fonts and logo nicely tied printed material together. Guests were happy to take home a substantial and very colorful reminder of their visit. These post cards were often handed out at trade shows. To make an impact, I designed the company trade show booth display, incorporating my photos of the facility. And an interactive virtual tour allowed clients to get a really good understanding of how the facility is laid out.
Photography was a common occurrence at the studio. Whenever a production was taking place, there was usually an opportunity to capture something stunning about what was happening. Whether someone or something interesting was there, the ability to capture and share was always on the forefront of my mind. Here are just a few of the ones that stick out for me.